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Sample Farewell Letter From Ambassador

Sample Farewell Letter From Ambassador
Farewell Letter From Ambassador

It can be an extremely difficult task to bid farewell to the company and co-workers you have worked with for a decent amount of time. Transfers, relocation, job change are a part of career for everyone and at some point in time, we all have to bid adieu to all those who were once a family at work. If you have worked as an ambassador then it is always a very sweet gesture to leave with a farewell note. Farewell letter from ambassador means a lot for the staff and is an incredible way to share your feelings as you leave. Just like employees can write thank you letter to ambassador, he can also write a formal letter using the sample farewell letter.

Shared below is sample farewell letter from ambassador. Use this format for farewell letter to create a customized letter to write yourself.

Sample Format for Farewell Letter From Ambassador

Date: January 25th, 2020

Dear All,

It was an incredible experience working in India with such an inspiring and dedicated team.

Three years ago, when I was informed about my posting to India, I was excited as well as skeptical but the way my family and I have been accepted by everyone around us has been very warm. It was a completely different experience living and working in such a vibrant and lively country. I not only enjoyed my work but I also enjoyed spending time with such amazing people.

As an Ambassador to Russia, posted in India, it has been a journey that I am going to cherish all my life. I am not only going to be missing staying in India but I will also be missing working with all of you. You all have been a great support system to me all these years and I cannot be more grateful to you all for being a great team.

I will soon have to take charge of my posting in Malaysia and as I prepare to leave India, I wish you all good luck in your future endeavours and I look forward to come back to India in future.


Alek Gorky

Given Below are a few Farewell letter samples for a clearer Idea.

Farewell Letter to Colleague Leaving Company
Farewell Letter to Employee from Manager
Funny Farewell Letter to Colleagues in Office
Farewell Letter to Boss Who is Leaving

Farewell Party Invitation Letter
Farewell Letter to Teacher
Farewell Letter after Resignation
Farewell Letter to Clients
Business Farewell Letter

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