If you have missed a class or an important session then you must write an apology letter stating the reason for absence from the class. The whole and sole purpose of writing such a letter is to put across the reason because of which you were absent from the class. This shows your sincerity towards attending the class and your teacher is happy to help you with what you have missed in that particular session.
If you are not sure how to write an apology letter for missing your class then here is a complete step-wise procedure given below. You can follow all the steps to create your own draft asking for forgiveness in a formal manner. To help you understand these points better, there is an example format given in the end. You can use it for writing a customized letter.
Tips to Write an Apology Letter for Missing Class
Here are some of the points that are very important to be followed while framing such a sorry letter in the effective way.
Begin with Purpose
Always start with mentioning the reason for which you are writing the apology letter. As you are writing it because you have missed the class so mention the same along with the date or day when it was scheduled.
Mention the Reason
The next important thing to keep in mind is to mention the reason because of which you had to miss your class. It is very important that you mention the real reason for your absence. Do not fake it.
Ask for Apology
You must then apologize for being absent from the class and you must express it with utmost sincerity so that your apology looks convincing. Also mention the actions you will take to rectify your mistake. Also make a promise that you will repeat the same kind of behavior again in future.
These are a few steps which are essential for creating a letter for missing your class. Another set of points that are required to be kept in mind include the following:
- Keep the tone of the letter formal. You have to be very respectful.
- Keep the letter short and sweet. Loading it with too much of content is not needed. You should be able to apologize within limited words.
- Make sure that you submit your apology letter as soon as possible because if you miss on the timing then it will not make any sense.
- Be sure of the words you choose. They have to be simple and clear.
- Take the responsibility of your actions.
Example of Apology Letter for Missing Class
Miss Amanda Jacob
English Teacher,
St. Anthony’s School
Arthur Road
Date: 13th August, 2015
Sub: Apology letter for not attending the class.
Respected Miss Jacob,
The purpose of writing this sorry letter is to apologize for not being able to attend your English class on Tuesday, i.e. on 11th August, 2015. I am really sorry that I had to miss such an important lecture.
I really look up to you as my mentor as I want to tell you the reason because of which I could not attend the class of Tuesday. On Monday evening, my grandmother had a heart stroke and we had to take her to hospital. Her condition was serious and doctors kept her under observation for 24 hours. During this time, I was there with my family at the hospital as I am the eldest of all my siblings and as a result, I had to miss the class because my family needed me there at the hospital.
I know I have missed on one of the most important lectures for which you had asked everyone to be present without fail. I really hope that you will understand my situation and will forgive me for not being able to come for the class that day. Please accept my sincere apologies and I promise that I will cover up the topics that I have missed on in the previous class.
Thanks for considering my situation. Sincere apologies.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Smith
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