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Letter of Intent for Contract Renewal Template

Letter of Intent for Contract Renewal Template
Letter of Intent Contract Template

Some professional associations go so well that you wish to have them renewed. If you are also associated with one such company and intent to renew your contract with the same then you must write your own letter of intent to renew letter to them. The Sample Letter of Intent for Renewal of Contract is a professional way of expressing your intent to the company along with putting forward the benefits of renewing the contract.

This post includes Sample Contract Renewal Letter format. You can simply follow this Letter of Intent to Renew Letter Template to create a personalized letter with much ease and precision.


Mathew March

54, Andy Street


Date: January 25th, 2024


Mr. Robin Smith


Zenith Technologies


Dear Mr. Robin,

I, Mathew March, am writing this letter to formally express my intention to renew my employment contract with Zenith Technologies which is going to end on January 30th, 2024.

I have been associated with Zenith Technologies from last one year as a Content Writer and this one year helped me understand the company, industry and content requirements in a detailed manner. From last couple of months, we have also seen the search engine ratings of our company’s website improve because of better quality content getting posted from time to time. I feel that I have gained remarkable experience during this time and I can contribute towards our company’s growth by writing the right content for our target audiences which can help us get more leads. I am very confident that together we will be able to give our online sales a remarkable boost.

I appreciate your consideration and will be looking forward to hear from you.

Thanking in anticipation.


Mathew March

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