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Thank You Letter For Scholarship Donation

Thank You Letter For Scholarship Donation

There are very few students who are able to get a scholarship and those who get it certainly are the bright shining stars. If you are one of those lucky students to get a scholarship donation then you [...]

Congratulation Letter on a Religious Occasion

There are different occasions and religious occasions on which one must congratulate the person by writing a congratulation letter. The idea here is to wish and appreciate the person for the religious occasion. Shared in this post is [...]

Congratulation Letter to a Friend for a Successful Deal

If your friend has been able to close a deal successfully then you must write a congratulation letter to him or her on such a special occasion. The idea here is to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work [...]

Appointment Letter for Marketing Manager

If you are appointing someone as a marketing manager then you are supposed to be writing an appointment letter for marketing manager. Just like offer letter for marketing executive or appointment letter for sales executive, this kind of [...]

Congratulations Letter to Boss on Closing the Deal

Congratulations letters are amazing letters as they are written with an intention to praise someone for accomplishing something. Congratulation letters are written in the formal world in order to formally congratulate someone on doing something wonderful. If your [...]

Thank You Letter for Donation to School

If someone has made any kind of donation towards your school then you must take some time out in order to write a Thank You Letter For Donation to School to that particular individual or that organization. A [...]

Congratulation Letter for Winning a Contract

If any of your employee or colleague has won a contract then make sure you send across a congratulation letter for celebrating this win in a formal manner. It is going to be a simple letter which will [...]

Congratulation Letter for Election to Elected Officials

Don’t miss on the chance of sending a formal letter of congratulations to someone who has won the elections and has been elected for some post. This is a great way of wishing that person as well as [...]

Thank You Letter For Fundraiser Donation

A thank you letter for donation is an effective way of expressing gratitude to all those who have helped you with the donation. If you have planned for a fundraiser and you have received fundraiser donation then it [...]

Congratulation Letter for Anniversary of His Service

Writing a congratulation letter to someone on the anniversary of his service is a thoughtful thing to do. It is a beautiful way of acknowledging, appreciating and celebrating the service that person has rendered for a certain number [...]