Letters of endorsement serves as a formal recommendation for a particular person regarding a certain purpose. It could be written to support a job application or a college admission. Sometimes employer, scholarship board or the board of admissions [...]
Donation letter is usually written in order to make a formal request of donation. It could be written by the head, chairperson, project coordinator or any other authorized person of a non-profitable organization or NGO. Donation request letter [...]
Sample Letter of dispute is a formal way to notify the credit card company or the other financial institutions about the inaccurate charges. It contains all the relevant information regarding the dispute. It provides you a platform to [...]
Letter of dispute is the best way to settle your disagreements with financial institutions like bank, credit card Company, collection agency or credit bureau. You can present your side formally with it. It helps to present your points [...]
Letter of dismissal serves as a formal notification of the employment termination. It is usually written by the human resource department or the other higher authority of the organization. It is as important document as the appointment letter. [...]
Letter of dismissal serves as a formal notification of the ending of an official relationship between employer and employee. It spells out the termination of the employment formally and legally. It is also commonly referred as a termination [...]
Criticism letter is usually written to inform someone about some of their personal or professional mistakes or objectionable points in a formal manner. It is generally written either after an out of control matter or after a continuous [...]
Letter of criticism is usually written in order to inform someone about their objectionable or inappropriate actions. It could be written to someone at your work place or someone with whom you share a close bonding. A written [...]
Credit letter are usually written to settle the credit disputes. It is a formal letter to notify the objectionable points related with the credit. It covers all the requirement and relevant information regarding the credit in a brief [...]
Letter to credit can be an influential tool in dealing with credit businesses. There are times when you receive inaccurate or objectionable marks in your credit report. Credit report agencies or financial institutions like banks do not always [...]