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Official Memo Format Regarding Low Sale Performance

Low Sale Performance Official Memo Format
Poor Sale Performance Memo Format

Sales play a significant role in the success of any company and that’s the reason, the growth and progress of a company is measured by its sales. That’s the reason, companies take all necessary steps to keep the sales progressive. In case of low sales performance, writing a poor sales performance letter or issuing an official memo regarding low sales is what most of the organizations do.

This post also includes a business memorandum example for the same. You can use the sample official for poor sales performance sample for creating a customized business memo sample highlight the low sales.

Poor Sales Performance Official Memo Format


Andrew Harley

Managing Director

Zenith Technologies


Date: December 31, 2021

Dear Sales Team,

It is indeed one of the most depressing times since the inception of Zenith Technologies because never has it happened that the sales figures of two consecutive quarters have been at the lowest numbers. We understand that the markets have not been in the best of their shapes but we cannot negate the fact that our sales graphs are taking the biggest dips ever and this is certainly an area of concern for all of us.

This is the reason that the management has decided for the sales team to meet for a comprehensive meeting which will be scheduled on January 20th, 2022 at the Meeting Room -1 at 10 am and it will be mandatory for all the sales department employees to attend it. The idea will be to discuss at length the reasons which have led to this decline in sales and how we can improve on our sales figures.

We are hopeful that by coming together and discussing the situation, we will be able to understand the weak points better and look for better ways to address the issues.

Thanking in anticipation.


Andrew Harley

Managing Director

Zenith Technologies

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