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Request Letter for Issuance of Confirmation for Residential Address

Request Letter for Confirmation of Residential Address An address confirmation email or letter is written in order to confirm the address of one’s residence. And if you are in need of one such letter then you need to [...]

Sample Demand for Repairs Letter Format

Demand for Repairs Letter A demand for repair letter is supposed to be sent to the authority which is incharge of the object which needs a repair. Make sure that you include the problem you are facing with [...]

Template Overdue Payment Letter

Collection letters are quite important for any institution as they make a formal reminder in order to collect payments from the debtors. Every business has debtors and when there is an overdue payment, a collection letter to remind [...]

Confirmation Letter for Donation Received

Donor Acknowledgement Letter When you have received donation from a person or institution, you must always write a formal Confirmation Letter for Donation in order to thank for the kind gesture. Writing a Donor Acknowledgement Letter is important [...]

How to Write a Letter to the Governor

Governors are appointed in states and territories and they function as the executive authorities in their respective states and territories. They often get in touch with the residents in order to know about their inputs and suggestions. Therefore, [...]

Sample Letter to Judge Asking for Leniency by wife

If your husband is undergoing court trials and you seriously feel the need to ask the judge to be lenient on him then you can always write a letter to judge for the same but this kind of [...]

Letter to Congratulate a Colleague for Obtaining a Contract

If one of your colleague has been able to bag a contract then it is time to congratulate him or her for all the hard work he or she has put in making it possible. Congratulation letters make [...]

Thanks Letter for Business Partnership with Gratitude

 thank you letter always means a lot and if it is for a business partnership, it certainly creates an impression. Thank You Letter for Business Partnership is a simple letter that is used for thanking for the business [...]

Congratulation Letter to Colleague for a Successful Deal

Congratulation Letter is a kind of letter that you write to someone who has achieved something in order to acknowledge and appreciate for that particular thing. If you have a colleague who has bagged a deal successfully then [...]

Letter Format Due to Non-Payment of Rent

In case of non payment of rent, you can always write a letter for the same. The letter due to non payment of rent can be written in simple words and must include the information about the non [...]