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Writing a Letter Format Due to Non-Payment of Rent

Letter Format Due to Non-Payment of Rent

In case of non payment of rent, you can always write a letter for the same. The letter due to non payment of rent can be written in simple words and must include the information about the non payment of the rent like how much rent is due, for what months the rent is due etc.

You can use the sample letter requesting rent payment for creating a personalized letter as per your situation. Create your own Letter Due to Non-Payment of Rent using this template.

Sample Format for Letter Due to Non Payment of Rent


Anthony Smith

54, Greenfield Apartments

New York

Date: June 17, 2024


Mr. Henry Brown

88, Richmond Apartments

New York

Dear Mr. Henry,

I have noticed that you have not been making the rental payments for 1008, Ellen Estate, New York, the property which you are using for your office. I have noticed that the rent payment for the month of February 2024 and March 2024 stands due.

Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to kindly clear the rental payments for the months mentioned above which is $ 3400. In case you don’t clear the due rent then as per our rental contract, I will be compelled to take a legal action against you. You are requested to clear this payment by April 10th, 2024 otherwise there will be legal consequences.

I am hopeful that you will clear the rental dues and I will not need to take any actions in this matter.


Anthony Smith

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