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Sample Letter Format to Judge Asking for Leniency by Wife

If your husband is undergoing court trials and you seriously feel the need to ask the judge to be lenient on him then you can always write a letter to judge for the same but this kind of a letter would only make a difference if you have strong reasons to request the judge some leniency.

This post includes a sample letter format for judge to ask for leniency by wife which you can use for creating your own letter. Using this Letter template, you can understand how this kind of a letter should be framed to have the greatest impact on the judge.

Format for Letter to Judge Asking for Leniency by Wife


Andrea Brown

45, Richmond Apartments

New York

Date: February 19, 2024


Mr. Henry Gibbs


District Court

New York

Respected Sir,

I, Andrea Smith, am writing this letter in order to humbly request you to kindly be lenient on my husband, Mr. Adam Smith.

He has been arrested for the road accident that took place on January 14th, 2024. I would like to mention that I was with him when the accident happened and we were travelling to California for family vacation. That night because of the season, it was very foggy and therefore, he was driving the car very slow. But because the man in the other car did not have the rear lights on, it was impossible to see the car and that’s why the collision happened. Thankfully, the speed of our car was very low which saved all of us from the damages which could otherwise would not have been under our control.

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I would just like to mention here that my husband is a very responsible and careful driver. Never ever has he got any ticket for wrong driving in these twenty years since he has been driving. I understand that the other party got some injuries but what must also be taken into account is that because of fog, it was impossible to see a vehicle in front if the tail lights were not working.

This is my sincere plea to you to kindly be lenient on my husband when you are going to give the verdict. I would also request you to kindly go through the CCTV footage of that particular road to confirm that the tail lights of the car were not working and we were driving at a reasonably low speed. I would not have felt the need to write you such a letter had the police done a thorough investigation of the case.

Thanking you.


Adrea Brown

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