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Congratulations Letter to Boss on Closing the Deal

Congratulations Letter to Boss on Closing the Deal

Congratulations letters are amazing letters as they are written with an intention to praise someone for accomplishing something. Congratulation letters are written in the formal world in order to formally congratulate someone on doing something wonderful.

If your boss has been able to crack a tough deal then make sure you write a letter to him or her for congratulating the same. In this post, we have come up with a format for congratulation letter to boss on closing the deal which you can use for creating a personalized letter to send to your boss on this special occasion.

Format for Congratulation Letter to Boss on Closing a Deal


Henry Brown

54, Hillary Apartments

New York

Date: November 16, 2024


Mr. Anthony Smith


Sales Department

Zenith Technologies

New York

Dear Mr. Anthony,


I am writing this letter to congratulate for cracking the most difficult deal of your career. It was truly a dream come true to see you seal the deal with M/s AZ Software, the account that has been on our radar from last two years.

It is truly your dedication and efforts that have made this possible. No one other than you would have been able to seal this deal because you have the most impressive skills to market our company. This account has always been a dream for our company and now being associated to one of the topmost companies in the industry, we are surely going be make the highlights in the city. This is going to help our company take a step ahead to another success story and this has happened all because of you.

I would like to congratulate you again and I wish you all the success.

Thanking you.


Henry Brown

Deputy Sales Manager

Zenith Technologies

New York

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