An employee writes this retirement farewell letter to the coworkers and the seniors to bid a farewell. It is a well known fact that every beginning has an end. The same is in the case of an employee working for an organization. A person, joining an organization, has to retire one or the other day. A person, who stays for a longer period of time in an organization, he/she has developed a different relationship with the people working over there. It’s a way to show that how important is the organization for you.
A retirement farewell letter deals with appreciating the addressed person for the support while bidding farewell. See the sample to make your knowledge.
Retirement Farewell Letter Sample
David Copperfield
HR Division
Getafix Industries
256, Neither Lane
Inmate, MN 789
Ms. Yevonne Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Getafix Industries
256, Neither Lane
Inmate, MN 789
Aug 18, 2014
Subject: Farewell on retirement
Dear Madam,
I am writing this letter with a heavy heart to bid a farewell to you. It is a well known fact that everything is bound to an end of time, especially the good things. My time has come to leave the organization. But before leaving, I would like to thank you for all your support and encouragement. This organization has become a second family for me.
As I slip into retirement, I will not forget the friends I have made while working for this organization. I met the finest people. I have learnt lots of things from you that improved my knowledge. I will surely miss these days as this journey is a beautiful phase of my life.
At the end, I would like to bid you farewell and wish you good luck for your future. I promise to remain in contact with you even after leaving this organization.
Thank you once again.
Yours sincerely,
David Copperfield
Personnel Manager
Getafix Industries
Given Below are a few Farewell letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Farewell Letter to Boss Who is Leaving
Funny Farewell Letter
Farewell Party Invitation Letter
Farewell Letter to Teacher
Farewell Letter to Colleagues
Employee Farewell Letter
Farewell Letter after Resignation
Farewell Letter to Clients
Farewell Letter to Boss
Business Farewell Letter
Farewell Letter to Coworkers