The purpose of writing a reconsideration letter is to request someone to think once again on their decision. Reconsideration letter for job position is written with the application for job has been rejected and you want it to be considered again. With a letter appealing a decision, you can submit your employment reconsideration request in a professional manner. But these letters are to be written only once you have received a rejection letter from the company.
Given below is a sample template for employment reconsideration which can be customized and used for writing a personalized letter if you have faced job termination at some point while applying for job.
Letter Format of Appeal for Reconsideration Job
Shailesh Rathore
C-29, Ambika Apartments
New Delhi
Date: 14.04.2018
The HR Manager
Fullerton Software Ltd.
New Delhi
Sub: Appeal for Employment Reconsideration
Respected Sir,
This is in response to your letter dated 20.04.2018 in context of the profile of Marketing Manager. The reasons for which my job application has been rejected are:
- I am not from Delhi
- I do not possess enough experience for this profile
I would like to request you to please reconsider my job application and here are the points that support the same:
- Though I am not from Delhi but I know the city well as I have spent approximately six months while pursuing my graduation, doing a part time job in sales.
- I know my experience is not good enough in terms of years but I definitely possess rich experience. In the span of 4 years, I have grown from a sales executive to a deputy marketing manager in my previous company. This growth has been because of my commitment towards my work.
Therefore, I would like to submit my sincere request to reconsider my application for this job based on the facts that I have shared above. I will, however, honor your decision.
Waiting anxiously for your response.
Shailesh Rathore
C-29, Ambika Apartments
New Delhi
Follow the steps on how to write an appeal letter dismissal in a professional way.
Learn to write a formal Job Abandonment Termination Letter.
Easy to download and customize Unemployment Appeal Letter
Given Below are a few Sample Appeal Letters for a clearer Idea.
Property Tax Appeal Letter Example
Property Tax Appeal letter is usually addressed to the concerned tax department with the intention of refund of excess amount.
Personal Appeal Letter Template
Example of Personal appeal letter is sometimes the most effective way to convey your message regarding certain request.
Parking Fine Appeal Letter
Tickets issued for parking violations are not easy to appeal against but if you have been issued a parking ticket without your fault and you want to plea against it.
Appeal Letter for School
School appeal letters for financial assistance are often addressed to the ministry of education, organizations working for children education and betterment, or it could be some politicians in government.
Sample Charity Appeal Letter
It is never easy to convince someone for making donation or charity.
Scholarship Appeal Letter Sample
Scholarship appeal letter is written with a purpose to express your intention that you want to study further for which you need scholarship.
Sample Fundraising Appeal Letter
Fund raising appeal letters are usually addressed to those who are able and willing to provide support in the form of monetary help.
Formal Appeal Letter for Donation
Appeal Letter for Donation is a formal type of written communication by NGO or welfare associations for donation request.
Financial Aid Appeal Letter Sample
If you are an entrepreneur and need finance to start a new business or grow your existing one.
Formal Medical Appeal Letter Sample
Medical appeal letter are usually formal type of request addressed to the concerned medical officers.