If you are a new agent or insurance company then to make your business a success you must learn to write effective insurance letters. These professional letters are kind of lead generation techniques which are very helpful in getting new business.
If you are not sure of how to begin writing an insurance sales letter then there is a format to help you with the needful. Keep this letter as the base for creating a personalized draft to make your insurance business a hit.
Insurance Sales Letter Format
Adam Smith
ABC Insurance Company
123 Richmond Street
New York
Date: 14.03.15
Andrew Cullen
56 Park Avenue Apartments
Blue Street
New York
Dear Mr. Cullen
Life is really very uncertain. We really don’t know what might happen the next moment. Hence, it is always considered as a wise decision to get a life insurance policy. It is the best way to keep yourself prepared for the future which is so uncertain. Just by having a life insurance policy, you can leave the tensions of your future problems to it.
ABC Insurance Company promises to keep your future and also your family’s future secure by taking care of all the things in case some kind of disability or accident or death happens in your family. You will always find our company with you in crisis, taking caring of your loved one.
It feels so nice and confident when you don’t have to worry about all the issues concerning your future when you have retired and when it is the time to sit and relax with your family without having to worry about your financial issues. ABC Insurance Company provides you with amazing insurance policies that promise you the vest coverage for your money. Now you can leave all your tensions with us and just live your life tension free.
Now what are you waiting for?? Just pick up your phone and get in touch with me at 123-456-789 to know more about the lucrative insurance policies that come with a promise of secure future.
Adam Smith
Insurance Agent
Given Below are a few Sales Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Sample Business Insurance Cancellation Letter
If you plan to cancel your business insurance policy then you have to send a policy cancellation letter to the insurance company.
Health Insurance Cancellation Letter
There are various reasons because of which a person plans to cancel the health insurance.
Letter to Cancel an Insurance Policy
Letter to Cancel an Insurance Policy If you wish you cancel your LIC policy then you can do so anytime you wish.
Sample Insurance Surrender Letter
LIC Insurance surrender letter has to be written to formally submit this request. If you also wish to write a letter to surrender the LIC policy, you can use the sample letter of application to the branch manager for surrendering of LIC policy.
Vehicle Sales Letter
There are some companies who deal with used cars. They are the ones which provide second hand cars for sale.
Direct Mail Sales Letter
The experts of advertising believe that you can make anything sell to anyone, if you use direct mail the right way.
Sales Letter for Travel Agency
Every business needs to promote itself and sales letter are one of the best ways of doing so.
Sales Letter for New Product
The purpose of sending a sales letter by a business is to introduce the products.