Charity letter for medical treatment is the most suitable way of requesting fund for a medical treatment. There is no harm to self-respect in requesting financial support in case you find yourself not capable to handle the expenses. There are several non-profitable organizations, business organization and individuals who feel connected with the pain of others. They offer help for medical treatment with happy heart. All you need to get this support is a formal request letter to convey them your problem.
The entire purpose of this letter is to formally request an organization or person for financial aid. This letter brings information about serious injury, chronic health condition or the disease of you or some of your family member. It explains your helplessness in paying the hospital bills or post treatment therapy expenses.
Sample Charity Letter for Medical Treatment
Date: 5 Jun, 2014
Mr. Herbert Spring
45 Helical Lane
Denver 53567
Mr. Roger Marks
Bring Hope Foundation
Y/56 North Circle
Denver 68798
Subject: Charity letter for cancer surgery
Dear Mr. Marks,
I am writing this letter with great hope. My wife Martha had been diagnosed with an advanced stage cancer in her right arm. Doctors have informed me that she require a surgery at the earliest as she is suffering with advanced stage.
I have heart about your Foundation from the doctors of the Cure Medical Hospital. I am writing this in extreme need of financial help. I have tried all possible ways to arrange the money required for her surgery but the amount is beyond my reach.
Her condition is getting worse day by day. Your foundation is my only ray of hope. Only your kind support can save my wife. I have enclosed her medical report and the estimated amount stated by the hospital with this letter. Please study it and contact me as soon as possible. Your prompt and positive support is anticipated.
Yours sincerely,
Herbert Spring
Given Below are a few Charity letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Charity Letter for Street Children
Requesting an individual or an organization to donate money for the establishment of street children is not an easy task. There are more chances of the rejection in the initial conversation.
Charity Letter for Old Age Home Center
This letter is most likely written to request charity for the old age homes. Homeless old age people and those who are left all alone by their children in their old age live in these homes.
Charity Letter for Calamity Victims
Whenever a tornado/ volcanic activity/ earthquake/ storm/ hurricane or other natural disaster occurs, group of generous people, non-profit societies, social work association and NGOs start working parallel to the government.
Charity Thank You Letter Sample
There are several generous people who are willing for contribution to charitable organizations. These generous people like to be recognized for their contribution like everybody.
Corporate Charity Letter Example
Corporate charity letter is most likely addressed by the Human Resource department or the higher authority of the business/ corporate organization.
Charity Letter for Mentally ill Patients
Charity letter are either written to request for the charity or it could be written to request someone or an organization to accept your charity.
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- sample request letter for financial help for medical treatment