Letter of dismissal serves as a formal notification of the employment termination. It is usually written by the human resource department or the other higher authority of the organization. It is as important document as the appointment letter. [...]
Dismissal Letters
Letter of dismissal serves as a formal notification of the ending of an official relationship between employer and employee. It spells out the termination of the employment formally and legally. It is also commonly referred as a termination [...]
Employee Dismissal Letter for Gross Misconduct Each and every company has some defined rules of conduct which employees are expected to follow. In case when employee violates these rules and displays misconduct then the company is compelled to [...]
Dismissal Letter Due to Theft Theft is a serious offense and no company would tolerate an employee who has committed such an act. In such a scenario, writing a dismissal letter to employee is not so simple because [...]
Here are a few tips that a person must keep in mind while writing a constructive dismissal letter. Name and destination of the recipient must be clearly mentioned at the top of the letter. Be certain that you [...]
A constructive dismissal letter is written by an employee to the management of the organization. Constructive dismissal in simple terms is when an employee acts in a way that permits or pushes other employee to resign from his [...]
Here are a few tips that a person must keep in mind while writing a dismissal letter from medical practices. Name and address of the recipient must be mentioned correctly. Be certain that you have correctly spelled the [...]
A dismissal letter from medical practice is issued by the doctors. This letter is written to dismiss a patient from the medical practice. If a patient disrupts the medical practice, then the doctor has a right to refuse [...]
A dismissal letter for dental patients is issued by a dental clinic. It is written with reference to the dismissal of the patient from the dental practice due to certain reasons. These reasons vary from person to person. [...]
Following are the few tips that a writer must keep in mind while writing an academic dismissal letter. Start the letter with the following data: Name Destination Student ID Course The course he or she would complete if [...]