A party invitation letter is written when an individual wants to invite friends and colleagues in a party to celebrate a special event. Generally, people use a formal way to make an invitation for the party, but if the recipient is close one, you can use the personal tone to invite him/her. As it is a social gathering, you have to mention the all important details which are necessary to inform, including date, time and venue of this party. Apart from this, every party follows some dress code and rules so that it should be mentioned in your letter.
Here in the sample invitation letter, a couple writes this letter to invite people to celebrate their marriage anniversary ceremony.
Sample Party Invitation Letter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Anderson
108 Hope Street
Carrolton, TX 75006
Kent McDonald
2666 Park Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
Sub: Party Invitation
Dear Kent,
We cordially invite you to join us for dinner to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. The party will start at 7:00 o’clock in the evening at our new home on Monday, November 22, 2010. It is an informal gathering so you can come in any attire and no need to follow any dress codes.
It is a simple dinner party and your presence is expected on that day as it makes the environment perfectly. Arranges are made in keeping with our past memories to ride back the past days to recreate the moment before our marriage.
The gathering is also for those with whom you share a special connection so you can come with your special one and make the atmosphere lovable and happy.
We are looking forward to meet you on that day.
Thanking you.
The Celebrators,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Anderson
Given Below are a few invitation letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Invitation Letter for Inauguration of New Office
Dinner Invitation Letter for New Project Inauguration
Grand Opening Invitation Letter
New Office Inauguration Mail to Employees
Dinner Invitation Letter Example
A dinner invitation letter is written to invite friends and colleagues for a dinner for celebrating any occasion or for arranging a casual get together.
Marriage Invitation Letter to Friends
A marriage invitation letter to friend should follow an informal way to invite the friend and family in a marriage ceremony.
Job Invitation Letter
A company or an organization issues this job invitation letter to the applicants in order to offer job in respect of the applications.
Invitation Letter for Seminar
An invitation letter, as its name says, it is written to invite the esteemed guest in a seminar.
Wedding Invitation Letter
A wedding invitation letter, as it name says it greets people to make their presence in a wedding ceremony.