Medical collection letter is the simplest and the most effective tool to motivate the patient for the settlement of pending medical bills. It serves as a formal reminder of the due bills sent by the medical centre. It is usually written by the authorized person of hospital, medical centre or the other medical institution to remind the patient regarding the outstanding amount. It helps the medical center in settlement of the due bills in friendly manner without affecting the relationship with the patient.
It serves as a formal follow up correspondence regarding a bill that is due for payment. It gives an impression that the sender has taken the nonpayment as a normal oversight of the patient. It never intimidates or insults the patient regarding the nonpayment. It also provides some flexible solutions to make the payment easier for the patient.
Sample Medical Collection Letter
Mr. Kerrey Revel
Life Care Medical Centre
$/ 67 Ezra Flax
South Lane
Thornburg 4683
Ms. Kelly Burn
78 Helix Square
Mountrail Lane
Thornburg 4683
Date: 10 Jun, 2014
Subject: Medical Collection Letter
Dear Ms. Burn,
This is to notify that you have an outstanding balance of $000. We have sent you the bill invoice on 11 January, 2014 but you have not made the payment. It is our humble reminder for the settlement of the due amount.
You are requested to contact our customer care executive if you have any financial difficulty or any confusion regarding the payment amount. We are aware with fact that the medical bills are not always easy to understand sometimes, our executive will definitely provide you solution of all your problems. We have some easy payment structure to help you in financial difficulty.
You are required to contact your insurance officer for the immediate settlement of this bill, if this bill comes under the payment of your medical insurance policy.
You are requested to make the payment within 7 working days after receiving this letter.
Please disregard this letter if you have already deposited the payment. Your prompt action will be highly appreciated. Feel free to contact us for further clarification.
Thank you.
Kerrey Revel
Life Care Medical Centre
Given Below are a few collection letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Final Notice Collection Letter
Final notice collection letter serves as a last formal notice regarding the due payment. This letter is usually sent after the two or three collection reminder letters.
Collection Settlement Letter
Collection agencies send a letter on behalf of another company for the settlement of the outstanding payment.
Friendly Collection Letter
Friendly collection letter are usually the formal letter to give a notice for the outstanding payment.
Debt Collection Letter
Debt collection letter is written in a formal manner and can be used to notify the debtor regarding the due payment.
Dispute Collection Letter
Disputes in business relationship are very common. Sometimes it gets so bitter and also affects the business contract.