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Friendly Collection Letter

Friendly collection letter are usually the formal letter to give a notice for the outstanding payment. It serves as a reminder call for the debtor. It conveys the message of the lender in a pleasant tone. This letter is frequently written by the debt collection agencies. Lenders usually hire these collection agencies for their debt collection. These agencies collect the entire amount through different processes. One of the most humble and the first step of collection is the letter with a friendly reminder.

This letter reminds the debtor about the debt amount, deadline to pay and a pinch of warning in case of payment failure. But it all comes with a mild and calm tone.

Friendly Collection Letter Sample


Mr. Salmon Kerr

Quick Collection Agency

45/6 Minnow Streets

Burlington 69809


Mr. Mac Guard

56 Sweet Avenues

45 Morris Lane

Burlington 69809

Date: 10 Jun, 2014

Subject: Letter of Debt Collection

Dear Mr. Guard,

I am writing this on behalf of Quick Collection Agency for the collection of the debt. The purpose of the letter is crystal clear. We have a documentary proof that you have borrowed an amount of $0000 to The New Stores on December 29, 2013.

You have paid only 45 % of the whole amount and now you have the liability to pay the rest 65% within 15 days. You have been one of the old business associates of The New Stores. Therefore they have requested us to collect the outstanding amount in a friendly manner.

Your timely payment of the entire amount will be appreciated. The New Stores is authorized and capable to file a suit against you in court but they want to settle the issues in a friendly manner.

Nevertheless, I must give emphasis to the fact that it will be esteemed if you can reconcile the debt on time. I have enclosed the document regarding the collection.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Salmon Kerr

Given Below are a few collection letter samples for a clearer Idea.

Final Notice Collection Letter
Final notice collection letter serves as a last formal notice regarding the due payment. This letter is usually sent after the two or three collection reminder letters.

Collection Settlement Letter
Collection agencies send a letter on behalf of another company for the settlement of the outstanding payment.

Debt Collection Letter
Debt collection letter is written in a formal manner and can be used to notify the debtor regarding the due payment.

Dispute Collection Letter
Disputes in business relationship are very common. Sometimes it gets so bitter and also affects the business contract.

Medical Collection Letter
Medical collection letter is the simplest and the most effective tool to motivate the patient for the settlement of pending medical bills.

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