If you receive news of your friend’s or relative’s father’s demise then writing Condolence Letter on Death of Father is the most apt way to send your condolence. Writing a condolence letter on death of colleague’s father, employee father, friend’s father is certainly not easy because you don’t know what to write in this kind of a letter. In this situation, you need a condolence letter on death of father sample to help you write a simple but expressive condolence letter on death of father.
Here is an example letter of condolences and sympathy Letter format. You can use this condolence letter on death in English to send across. Use and customize this condolence letter on death of father to create your own.
Condolence Letter on Death of Father Sample
54, Sukanya Apartments
New Delhi
April 18th, 2019
Dear Madhu,
I am falling short of words to express my deep sorrow on sudden demise of your father. It came as a real shock to me when this news reached me. I still cannot believe he is not there because he looked good in health when he visited me few weeks ago.
He was a dear friend to me and together we share some beautiful memories of our lives. In these difficult times, I am with you and your family. I pray with the bottom of my heart from Almighty to grant his soul peace and all the strength to all his loved ones to face these dark times.
Please accept my heartfelt condolence and sympathy.
Suresh Mehta.
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