If you are in a job then you sometimes you have to make certain expenses from your pocket which are later reimbursed by the company or you are using some asset of the company which is now not in a usable state. In both these scenarios, you have to write an application approval letter to your boss seeking his permission. This is nothing but a letter explaining your expenses or the need for change of the company’s asset you have been using so that the next action on the request could be taken by the company. So make sure you submit a formal approval letter for purchase or to many payment to your boss to have your funds pass without any complications.
To help you with, we have come up with request for payment approval letter sample. With this template for approval letter format for payment, you can create a personalized letter with ease.
Format for Letter for Payment Approval to Boss
Jonathan Myres
54- B, St. Augustus Street
New York
Date: 29.08. 18
Mr. Richard Brown
Marketing Manager
New York
Sub: Approval Letter for a New Laptop
Dear Sir,
The purpose of writing this letter is to bring to submit my request for a new laptop and seek an approval from you for the same.
I, Jonathan Myres, am working as a Senior Marketing Executive in Marketing Department. I was handed over this laptop two years ago when I got promoted to this post. I must mention that I was already in use from couple of years before that. But now, it is in a bad condition, not only because it has become extremely slow but also very much outdated because of which when I have to give presentations to our clients, it becomes very difficult.
Therefore, I would request you to please sanction my request for a new laptop so that I can have a replacement for my present one from the IT Department. This is surely an essential working tool and would make working easier and quicker.
Waiting for your response.
Jonathan Myres
Senior Marketing Executive
Given Below are a few Approval Letter Sample for a clearer Idea.
How to Write an Overdue Payment Reminder Letter
Approval Letter to Boss for Vacation Leave
If you have to go out on a vacation then writing a leave letter to boss is a must. Letter to boss for approval of vacation leave is very important because you are not only seeking his permission.
Approval Letter from Company for Internship Training
Students who are into some professional course, internship training is a part of the curriculum.
Sample Approval Letter For Thesis
If you are working on your thesis and you need to include work of some artist or some author in your work then to do that you must first write an approval letter for thesis
Approval Letter For Training
If you are working with a company and you are planning to enroll yourself for some training which is going to be helpful in your career then you must write a formal request letter seeking the approval
Contract Approval Letter
If some company has submitted quotations of products or services or has shown some kind of interest in offering your company its products and services then it is the duty of your company to send a formal contract approval letter