Smoking it an unhealthy practice and if your brother has got into the habit of smoking then you must write an email about the bad effects of smoking to him to highlight how devastating it can be for his health and wellbeing. Share with him thoughts on importance of quitting smoking using the letter. Enlighten him with the threats smoking poses to the health.
We have come up with a sample email to your younger brother advising him to quit smoking which you can use as a base to create a personalized email for him.
Email to Your Younger Brother Telling Him to Avoid and Give Up the Smoking
Dear Adam,
How are you doing? I hope your university life in New York is going good.
I met your friend Jacob the other day and I got to know something serious about you and that is that you have started smoking in university.
I understand that things change when you become a university student and most of us pick up habits that are not good for us and smoking is one of them. Smoking is injurious to our health and it has the potential to hamper our lungs beyond repair. There have been so many instances wherein we have seen people in our family having a bad health because of their smoking.
The purpose of me writing this letter to you is to advise you to quit smoking as it is not going to do any good to you. Be it because of peer pressure or otherwise, you must stay away from something as dangerous as smoking. It is going to gradually convert into a habit that you will find extremely difficult to give upon and therefore, you must leave it as early as possible to stay healthy and happy.
I know you can quit smoking if you have made a choice.
Other Related Format, Templates and Examples
Sample Format of Circular for no Smoking in Office
Email to your Friend Describing the Bad Effects of Smoking
Letter to your Brother About the Bad Effects of Smoking
Letter to Friend Describing Dangers Effect of Smoking