Self help groups and non-profit organizations fully or partially depend on the charity or donations. The project coordinators, head or the authorized person of these societies most commonly requests the rich individuals and the business organizations for funding. A meeting or a verbal request cannot turn your potential donor into your regular donor. A well written request letter for a charity fundraising can make a great difference.
Rich individuals or the business houses are quite busy with their work. They have no time to directly connect with those people who needs fund. In this scenario a charity fundraising letter can boost the chance of receiving large donations. Never send a generic letter for every charity fundraising. Always craft a specific letter to meet an exact fundraising purpose.
Sample Charity Fundraising Letter
Date: 12 February, 2014
Ms. Annette Marvel
Project head
Old Shelter
4/56 Down Lane
Finning Square
Ms. Andrea James
Johnson Designers
7 Trading Square
Subject: Charity Fundraising Letter
Dear Ms. James,
I am writing this on behalf of Old Shelter, a non-profit organization working to provide shelters to the homeless old persons. We are requesting financial support from you in order to build new big premises for these homeless oldies.
We are working to help these people since 1012. We have more than 500 such old persons in our shelter. With the increasing number of these persons we need more houses for their comfortable stay. We are planning to build a shelter in New Gardens. For that project your financial support is required.
Your organization holds a great name in the society for remarkable social work and charity. I am also aware with your generous attitude toward the old. Hence, you are requested to contribute in this project. Please contact me for further clarification on the given contact detail. Thank you for your time and generosity.
Yours faithfully,
Annette Marvel
Project head
Old Shelter
Given Below are a few Charity letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Charity Donation Letter Format
Selfless people ready to serve mankind are everywhere. Some of them are working individually, some in small groups and some in form of big society/trust/ foundations.
Charity Letter for Association
There are several self motivated people around us who are continuously struggling for the betterment of the society. These are vibrant human beings who do not look straight to the government for each and every problem.
Charity Letter for an Event
Charity request letter for an event is commonly addressed to the corporate houses to collect charity for a particular event. This is written by the authorized person of social organization to get some financial assistance for a particular purpose or occasion.
Charity Request Letter Sample
Charity request letters are usually written by the head of the non-government or non-profitable society for the request of charity. There are several societies serving the mankind without any government aid, they depend on the charity of the kind and generous people of society.
Charity Sponsorship Letter Example
Charity sponsorship letters are usually addressed to business organizations or big corporate houses in terms of requesting for funds. Non profitable organizations who partially or fully depend on the funding write this letter for their certain purpose.