Business marketing letter is written by those who are in the business marketing field. Marketing strategy means a lot for any kind of business that can lead one towards its profit. If you have a good marketing plan, no one can stop to achieve your desired goal. There are some companies who look after your marketing policy and to put the best effort to increase your profit level. But those companies also need a perfect plan to present their services to the right contacts and business marketing letter helps them to achieve this.
Here in the example, a marketing company in the telephone industry writes this letter in order to convince the addressed company that their offers will be helpful for the recipient.
Business Marketing Letter Example
Peter Armstrong
Teletech Inc.,
34 3rd Street
Ontario, Canada
Vincent Moore,
Shell Ltd.,
54 4th Avenue
Ontario, Canada
1st Nov 2014.
Dear Sir,
We, Teletech Inc, bring with innovative ideas and creativity in marketing the telephone industry and we welcome you to join with us. Our marketing services will prove beneficial for your company that in turn helps you to take a lead in the competition. We are in this field for 10 years and this experience makes us able to include the innovative strategies to promote your products. We have already served many companies by providing the way to increase their sell and we got only the positive responses from them that make our success story.
We charge very reasonable for our services and we do not compromise with the quality. It would be appreciated if you give us a chance to prove our skill. All our effort is set to take you at the top position.
We look forward for your positive response.
Sincerely Yours,
Peter Armstrong,
Marketing Manager.
Given Below are a few Marketing Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Marketing Introduction Letter
A marketing introduction letter is written to introduce the marketing program to the potential clients
Product Marketing Letter
In the business, marketing strategy is the only tool that helps a company or an organizing rising to its position.
Email Marketing Letter
Email marketing is a very useful marketing strategy for any company
Direct Marketing Letter
A company or an organization writes this direct marketing letter to its client to offer the services directly.
Real Estate Marketing Letter
Real estate marketing letter is usually written by the marketing professionals