Every individual has his own point of view and way of thinking and as we keep meeting people, our opinions might differ from theirs. There are some situations where your wavelength fails to match with that of your close ones, and then arises difference of opinions. It is important to maintain calm in such haste situations. But sometimes we fail to do so and in anger we even say some harsh words which hurt the other person.
We must apologize for committing mistakes. Sometimes it is very difficult to apologize in person and in such cases, writing an apology letter comes handy. To maintain a relationship is difficult and to carry it smoothly you require doing some sacrifices and apologizing when necessary.
Sample Relationship Apology Letter
Brook Avenue
April 14, 2014
Dear Margret,
I am writing this letter to apologize for my immature behavior and attitude. I really want you to know that you are really important to me and probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know I have been an idiot lately and I am really sorry for troubling you so much. I am very much aware of the fact that how much you love your job and instead of supporting you I was nudging you to concentrate on our relationship.
I was very insecure and started feeling that you are losing interest in me and that’s why I was forcing you to marry me. Baby, I honestly care for you and I don’t want to lose you but I have understood that it is difficult for you to manage work, home and me. I promise to support you instead of complaining and I assure that I won’t repeat this behavior ever again. I know this behavior has hurt you and made you cry. I am sorry love.
I know that you care about me and our relationship and I value everything you do for me. I’ll also try to help you in the house work. Honey, please tell me what else can I do for you because I really want you to be happy. I hope you’ll forgive me and give me one more chance.
Lots of love
Given Below are a few Apology letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Business Apology Letter Format
A Business Apology letter is a type of apology letter which mentions an apology for a certain subject related to business.
Personal Apology Letter Example
A personal apology letter is crucial for the sender and the recipient as well because it is an act of humbleness on the part of the sender to send a personal apology letter..
Apology Letter to Friend
Friendship is the strongest relationship which an individual can have. If you have a bunch of good friends, you hardly need anybody else.
Sample Apology Letter to Mom
Everybody of us have an apology for our mother at some point in our lives. A mother is the one who teaches us the difference between right and wrong
Apology Love Letter Sample
An Apology love letter is written when one finds it hard to apologize in person with a loved one.