If you wish to advertise your business in a specific newspaper or magazine then you have to write a business letter to a newspaper to advertise your company name. It is a simple letter which basically introduces your business to the newspaper or magazine and then expresses the intention to advertise it.
We have come up with a format for request for magazine advertisement letter. You can use this sample letter for writing one such letter to the newspaper or magazine.
Letter Format to Advertise Business in Newspaper or Magazine
Ana Smith
Zenith Décor Solutions
New York
Date: May 16th, 2024
The Editor
New York Magazine
New York
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I, Ana Smith, would like to introduce my company Zenith Décor Solutions to you. We are a decade old company specializing in home décor solutions. We are based out in New York and our décor solutions cover a wide spectrum of budget. We are keen on expanding our business to other cities in the country and therefore, we would like to advertise with your magazine on monthly basis in order to promote it on the national level.
The kind of advertisements we would like to post would include pictures showcasing the different kinds of decors along with a small description on the kind of work we do. We would like to have our address, contact number and website details included in the ad. We would also like to have information on franchise included in the advertisement in case anyone is interested to join hands with us.
We would like to request you to kindly get back with the different advertisement plans and rates that you have for businesses like us. It would be great if you could also share the details on how we can design the ads and have them published with you.
Thanking you for your attention and time. We are looking forward to work with you and have our business expanded across the length and the breadth of the country. Looking forward for the details.
Ana Smith
Zenith Décor Solutions
New York