A landlord reference letter is made to inform a landlord about a tenant. Generally, the letter is produced when a tenant is moving to a new place and it is mainly made from the past landlord to the future one that gives information about the tenant. Some important details should be needed when a tenant is seeking a new place; the details include about the past rent, his/her past address, behavioral quality and other things that a landlord needs to know. This mainly verifies whether the tenant is suitable for giving a place for rent or not.
Here in the example, a past landlord writes this letter to the future one of a tenant in order to give the details about the person and other important issues.
Landlord Reference Letter Example
Rosy Gardner
Lake View Apartments
3274 Kidd Avenue
Eagle River, AK 99577
Debra Worrysom
2256 West Virginia Avenue
Ballston, NY 12302
2nd Feb 2015
Dear Mrs. Worrysom,
I am writing this letter in respect of your verification about Mr. Rent and his wife. They are the resident of 57 Any Street, Block-10, and Anytown. At present, Mr. Rent pays $500 for 3 bedrooms flat and they are here since June 2000. He is a good tenant and does not let me complaint about the rent as he always pays in the right time without any delay.
He is a very cooperative person and polite to all. For your information, I should mention that he has a dog but that does not make any trouble for the neighbor.
He is a very responsible person too, as he also gives me one-month notice period to make necessary arrangements of the vacant flat.
If you want any more information you can contact me.
Rosy Gardner
Lake View Apartments
Given Below are a few Reference Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Character Reference Letter Writing Tips
Character Reference Letter for Child Custody
Referral Letter for Private Hiring in Army/ Military
Business Reference Letter
A business reference letter is written only for the business purpose to recommend an individual or any service to a company.
Character Reference Letter for Friend
A character reference letter for friend is written to get your friend’s application
Reference Letter for a Friend
A reference letter for a friend is made to verify the characteristics and skills.
Work Reference Letter
A work reference letter is written to make a recommendation for an individual for a certain.