Credit card authorization is written to authorize someone to use your credit card. The recipient of such letters is normally banks and other larger corporation. However, to let someone access your credit card is a sensitive matter which is why it needs something in writing from the card holder A formal written credit card authorization letter is a must to allow another party to use your card.
The letter holds sensitive information. Make sure that the person you are authorizing to is trustworthy and you won’t have to repent later.
Sample Credit Card Authorization Letter
Mr. Harold Schindler
45/67 Hefty Avenue
45 River Side Streets
Blessing ton 465678
Ms Lisa Cherrie
Store Manager
Wonder Super Marts
54 Trading Towers
Lake side Lane
Blessing ton 465678
Date: 16 May, 2014
Subject: Master Card 000-0000-00000
Dear Ms Cherrie,
I, the undersigned, hereby, authorize Mr. Jack Collie, my uncle to access my credit card handling for my kitchenware and other household shopping needs for me while I am on official tour. I will be back on 15 July, 2014. During this time, he will be handling my shopping, with my other bill payments during this period.
Master Card 000-0000-00000 through New York Bank is authorized to use and it has an $800 limit. My card number that he is using is 00-000-000-0000
You are requested to authorize Mr. Jack Collie to use this card to purchase items from your store from May 16, 2014 until February 10, 2014. Any purchases after this time period will not be approved by me and will be disputed to the credit card company
If you should have any questions about this credit card authorization, please contact me on 00-000-0000.
Harold Schindler
Given Below are a few Authorization letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Short Sale Authorization Letter
Short sale authorization letter is a formal letter addressed to a particular company to inform the recipient about a short sale program by the sender.
Authorization Letter to Pick Up
An authorization letter to pick up is written to authorize a person to pick up goods/materials/consignment on your behalf.
Medical Treatment Authorization Letter Sample
A Medical treatment authorization letter is generally written by the management of a company/employer to authorize a particular employee to obtain a medical treatment under the expense of the company.
Bank Authorization Letter Example
Bank authorization letter is usually a formal consent letter addressed to notify the bank that an individual has authorized another person to take financial decision on his/her behalf.
Authorization Letter to Claim
An Authorization Letter is a formal letter which gives the holder of the letter the authority to either grant permission for something or collect something from somewhere.