Here you will get some tips to get a clear idea about writing your own credit card authorization letter.
- A standard business format for the credit card authorization is a must.
- Keep an appropriate business tone in the letter and draft it formally.
- Much like other business letters, this letter too should also be specific and concise.
- Put the name and address on the top of the left hand page, skip a couple lines and then put the date.
- If there is a specific person who is required to see the letter, you have to make an attention line.
- Start your letter with salutation. Either use generic terms like, “To Whom It May Concern” or use a more acceptable “Miss/Mrs. /Mr.”. If the contact is unknown, generic salutation is preferred.
- Make sure you have entered your correct credit card number and the full name of the person that is authorized to use it.
- The shopping store or the other association will demand to verify all the information to be corrected before they allow a transaction to go through.
- If your authorization is for a specific transaction or a limited period of time, it requires mentioning these details clearly in your authorization letter of credit card.
- Do not forget to put the beginning and ending date of the authorization.
- In the opening lines, clearly state the reason why you have authorized someone else to use your credit card.
- Make three copies of your letter, one for the person who is authorized, second for the location or store that should allow this transaction and the third for your own record.
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