A cancel order letter, as its name depicts, it is written to cancel a business order, which was made earlier. The cancel order letter is written when a company is not satisfied with the products sent by another company, as per the order, then they write such letter to inform about the canceling of the order. Unlike the other letter, it deals with a very important subject and if not handled carefully, it directly affects a company’s reputation. So, it is advisable to give satisfactory reasons for canceling any business order to the recipient company.
Here in the example of the cancel order letter, a software company writes this letter for canceling an order made for buying some computer, but as the quality does not meet with the requirement, it cancels the order.
Cancel Order Letter Sample
Mr. George Black
GM, Black Computer and Electronics Ltd
C-3, Paul square
New York
7th Nov, 2014
Subject: Cancelling the order of 25 personal computers
Respected Sir,
The purpose of this is to inform you about the cancelation of the 25 computers, which we have given to your company on 2 Nov, 2014. We also inform you that we will not pay any amount for the sample computer, you have sent to our company for testing.
The reason of such decision is that the quality is different from your product description made by your company earlier. Apart from that, our technical teams noted some problems in your provided sample and it also has some software problems too. This model does not meet our requirements so we request you make arranges for taking back your sample computer as early as possible.
Hope to make a good relation with your company in the future.
Thanking you
Peter Brown
Given Below are a few Order Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Purchase Order Letter
A purchase order letter deals with placing an order about a purchase to the seller according to one’s needs.
Order Acceptance Letter
An order acceptance letter is written to inform a company about accepting their order for a certain product or service.
Business Order Letter
A business order letter is written to make a business order according to the business field.
Work Order Letter Sample
Work order letter is a formal notification addressed to the person who has assigned with a new work.