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Letter to Tenant After Inspection

Property owners sometimes conduct periodical inspections of their properties in order to make sure that everything is working fine and all the safety standards are being adhered to. Once the inspection is done, the owner must write a [...]

School Fees Collection Letter Sample

In every session there are certain students whose parents have not been able to pay the fees on times and in order to remind them, one has to write a collection letter. This collection letter sample template is [...]

Letter to Editor of a Newspaper Format

Letter to Editor of a Newspaper The letter to editor of a newspaper is a proficient letter that is addressed to the editor-in-chief of a newspaper and can be written by a citizen, an organization or a group [...]

Travel Permission Letter by Parents

Travel Permission Letter Travel Permission Letter by parents or guardians is a letter that expresses permission for the child for travelling without them. The example of trip letter to parents and Guardians must include the name of the [...]

Letter Format Due to Late Fee by School

Letter Format Due to Late Fee by School

If there has been a delay in submitting the fee of any of the students in your school then you can always write a letter to the guardian about the same. Just like application for fees delay in [...]

Notice Of Violation Letter Format

Notice Of Violation Letter Template Whenever two parties enter into any kind of legal contract then they have to follow the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract and if one of the parties fails to adhere to [...]

Character reference letter format, writing tips

Character Reference Letter Format The Character Reference Letter is usually written by someone who knows you well and can attest to your character. The purpose of writing such a letter is to positively attribute to the characteristics of [...]

Request Letter to change of Water Pipeline

Request Letter for Change of Water Connection If your water pipeline has been troubling you then in order to get it fixed, you need to write a request letter to change of water pipeline to the water department. [...]

Overdue Payment Reminder Letter Template

It is never easy to ask for money and when it comes to doing so in a professional set up, you have to be very selective and proficient with your words. If you are also in a situation [...]

Letter to Landlord for Return of a Security Deposit

Security Deposit Refund Letter It is a common rule with most of landlords that tenants have to submit a security deposit when they take the property on rent and this amount is refunded to them when they vacate [...]

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