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Sample Letter to an Editor of a Newspaper Format

Letter to Editor of a Newspaper Format
Letter to Editor of a Newspaper

The letter to editor of a newspaper is a proficient letter that is addressed to the editor-in-chief of a newspaper and can be written by a citizen, an organization or a group of people highlighting any issue or expressing any concern. It can also be written in order to emphasize on writing articles about a particular situation.

In this post, we bring to you a Sample Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper. You can use this Letter to the editor example for students if you wish to write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper. You can use this Letter to the Editor Format, Sample along with the tips that have been shared below.

How to Write a Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper

Here are some points to keep in mind while writing a letter to the newspaper editor:

  • Make sure that you clearly mention the point for which you are writing the letter.
  • Always keep the letter precise. Do not include too much example and unnecessary information in the letter.
  • Whatever facts you are including in the letter have to be correct.
  • The language and tone of the letter has to be professional and formal.
  • There should be no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes in the letter.
  • Always include the information of the sender in the letter

Letter Format to Editor of Newspaper


Anthony Black

45, Richmond Apartments

New York

Date: June 24, 2024


The Editor

New York Times

New York

Respected Sir/ Ma’am,

I, Anthony Black, am writing this letter to share some feedback on the kind of articles that are been printed in your esteemed newspaper these days. From last couple of months, I have come across articles that are reporting just one side of the situation because of which we, as readers, do not get a complete and unbiased information on the situation and feel that important details are missing out on the happenings.

I have been a loyal reader of your newspaper from last one decade and that is so because the quality of the articles that are published by your newspaper is very impressive. I would always get a holistic picture of the situation whenever I would read your newspaper but from sometime, I think that strong element has been missing in the content.

I strongly feel that you need to introspect on the articles that are being posted and include the viewpoint of both the sides so that the information that is published for the readers is complete.

I am hopeful that you will understand my point and will take necessary steps  to rectify this issue.

Thank you for your time.


Anthony Black

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