Loan Agreement Letter is usually a written contract between a borrower and a lender. Approaching someone for monetary help is a daunting task. However, you can make it easier if you endure an agreement for loan payment that contains apparent information about loan.
A letter of agreement for loan payment is a formal agreement among two people or two parties for lending money. Include all the necessary terms and conditions in the written contract. It regulates the mutual promises made by each party and is addressed to the prospective bankers, financial institutions, and money lenders with the intention to obtain a loan proposal.
In a loan agreement, the “borrower” first makes representations about his links adjoining his character, credit worthiness, regular income, and any other guarantee that he may have presented to undertaking as security for a loan.
This letter mention the purpose of obtaining loan of certain amount, statement for repayment of loan liabilities, intermediary confirmations, current income and future prediction summed up.
Sample Loan Agreement Letter
Mr. George Taylor
Wellbeing Gardens
Davis 5677
17 April, 2014
Subject: Loan approval for the home loan request with reference number 086485 dated 22nd November, 2013
Respected Sir,
We are pleased to inform you that your application of housing loan, regarding the subject with reference number 00000 has been duly acknowledged by our Davis branch office. After the inquiry of your financial position & backdrop our concerned department has approved your housing loan amounting ($…..).
Please study thoroughly enclosed annexure pertaining to this deal with the letter. The obligatory terms and conditions to be considered are declared in the same.
As stated by the recent amendments you are further notified to present the filled forms, enclosed in this along with the attached fresh copies of documents like address proof of citizenship, PAN card and others.
In any case of any assistance you are requested to personally visit during business hours to allow us to serve you better.
Yours Truly,
Mr. Evans Terrance,
Branch Manager,
L.T.U. Bank,
Given Below are a few Agreement letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Employment Agreement Letter Format
An Employment Agreement Letter is generally a written contract to assure the employment of a candidate under certain conditions with an organization.
Investment Agreement Letter
Sample Investment Agreement Letter is a contract to set up terms and grounds of the investment of money.
Payment Agreement Letter Template
A Payment Agreement Letter is simply a written commitment or a promissory note about the payment between two parties regarding some transaction or business dealings.
Sample Letter of Agreement Between two Parties
Agreement letter between two parties is a written agreement covering all the points initiated by both the parties that is supposed to participate in the contract.