If you have to cancel and reschedule a business appointment then it must always be done over a formal letter. Such letters are suppose to be very much crisp with all required details. Don’t miss on including in your letter the reason along with rescheduled date and time to make it a complete letter. If you are clueless about where to begin your letter, we have come up with sample letter to cancel appointment which can of great help to you.
Given below is a formal reschedule appointment letter sample which you can use for framing a customized letter to write your own!!!
Letter Format to Cancel and Reschedule Business Appointment
Robert Robinson
Altria Group of Company
23 Herald Street
New York
Date: 23.05.17
Adam Smith
Branch Manager,
PNC Bank
11 A, Richmond Street
New York
Sub: Meeting Reschedule Letter
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing this letter to inform you that unfortunately, the meeting that we had scheduled for 25th May, 2017 for 10 a.m. will have to be cancelled. This is due to an unexpected inspection that can come up at our manufacturing unit and requires my presence.
I am extremely interested in meeting you to discuss the future loan agreement with your bank and would like to know that we can we reschedule this meeting. Please do let me know if 30th May, 2017 10 a.m. is a good time for you to reschedule this meeting. Kindly send me your confirmation over email or phone.
I again submit my sincere apologies for rescheduling this appointment which can caused you so much inconvenience.
Waiting for your response.
Robert Robinson
Altria Group of Company