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How To Write A Vacation Request Email (Example)

Vacation Request Email tips, Email Example

Writing an email to request for vacation is quite simple provided you know how to write one. A Simple vacation leave request email is supposed to include the dates on which you wish to go for a vacation and the date on which you are going to be resuming the work. By using a vacation request sample email, you can get yourself time off from work and will also give your employer to be prepared in your absence.

In this post, we have come up with Vacation Request Email Tips to help you write a proper email along with a vacation request email sample format to make it easier for you to understand.

Tips for Writing a Vacation Request Email

Here are some simple yet important tips that one must keep in mind while drafting a vacation request email:

  • Be aware of the Vacation Policy

It is important that before sending your vacation request email, you make yourself familiarize with the vacation policy of your company because this will help you not violate the policy so that you can have your request approved without any fundamental issues. Most of the companies share their vacation policy at the time when the new recruit joins the company.

  • Know when to reach

It is always a great idea to provide advanced notice to your senior but how advance your request should be submitted will depend on the company’s policy. Generally, providing one month advance notice is considered to be a good enough time but if you can do it earlier then it is always a better idea. The more idea you are going to give to your supervisor, the better they will be prepared and the better chance you will have for the approval.

  • Work on your subject line

It is very important to pick a strong subject line as everyone receives hundreds of email every day and in such a scenario, it is important to go with a subject line which is going to get you and your request the needed attention. Include your name along with vacation dates to keep it direct and short.

  • Wisely pick your dates

You have to be smart in picking your vacation dates. Going on vacation when it is a busy season for the work is never a good idea as chances are high that your request is going to get rejected. Always remember that your decision for a vacation is going to affect a lot of people and therefore, always pick your dates wisely for higher chances of approval.

  • Jump on the purpose

Don’t waste your words. Right after a standard greeting, mention the purpose of writing the email. There is no need to have unnecessary banter. Be direct and always leave some room to make a negotiation.

  • Always mention the dates

Don’t miss on putting on the dates in the content of your email and they should match the dates you have put on the subject line of your email. You can also mention if you are flexible with your dates so that your supervisor knows that he or she can give you alternate dates to pick. Always remember that you can also mention that you would always prefer the dates you have mentioned.

  • Include what your plan is in relation with work

If you are planning to go on vacation and you have also planned that how your work is not going to suffer then it can certainly help you have your vacation approved. This is going to reflect that you are genuinely concerned about the company and you have prepared yourself well so that the work does not suffer in your absence. It is a good idea to include the tasks you plan to complete before your vacation.

  • Always offer to ask questions

Before ending your email, you can always put a statement about asking questions, if any, so that your supervisor can have a discussion if needed and this reflects your professional courtesy.

  • Don’t forget to thank

Don’t miss on thanking the supervisor for taking the time out to read your request.

  • Keep in touch

It is always good to keep a follow up once you have received the approval of your request by writing a follow up message couple of days or a week before your vacation. This will work as a gentle reminder to your supervisor about your vacation. And if there are any important things to be done, he or she can get in touch with you.

Format for Writing Vacation Request Email

Date: Sept 16, 2024

Subject: Arnold Smith, Vacation Dates: September 1st, 2024 to September 10th, 2024

Dear Mr. Robert,


The purpose of writing this email is to request you to kindly approve my annual vacation for this year. I am planning to go for a holiday with my family from September 1st, 2024 to September 10th, 2024 and I will be joining the office from September 11th, 2024.

Presently, I am working on the Food Delivery application which we is expected to launch by the last week of August, 2024. I will make sure that there are no further delays in the launch and everything is wrapped up before I leave for the vacation. I will keep all my colleagues posted about the same so that we can work towards the date. And in case, my support is needed any time during my vacation, I will be available over email.

Thanking you for your time and consideration. In case you have any other queries then I will be happy to answer them. Looking forward for your response.


Arnold Smith

App Developer

Zenith Technologies

New York

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