If you have a wedding in your family or there is a party in your house and you are planning to have a DJ arrangement or loudspeaker, it is important that you get permission from police. For that you will have to write a police permission letter for DJ just like a permission letter to police station for marriage procession or a police permission letter for Ganesh festival. This request letter ensures that you have permission from the authorities to avoid complications.
We bring a letter to police station for permission. This loudspeaker permission letter in English is a sample permission letter to create your own.
Request Letter to Police for Loudspeaker Permission
Rajat Arora
54, Gandhi Colony
New Delhi
Date: 24.12.18
Gandhi Colony Police Station
New Delhi
Sub: Regarding permission for DJ
Respected Sir,
The purpose of writing this letter is to inform that we have a sangeet function in our family on December 28th, 2018. And for this reason, we are writing this request letter to seek permission for playing DJ at Gandhi Community Hall, Gandhi Colony, New Delhi.
The function will start at 7.30 p.m. and will end at around 10.30 p.m. Please allow us to play the DJ till 10.30 p.m. We understand that it is a residential area and by no means we want to disturb the residents around the community hall. And for that we will ensure that the DJ wraps up within time.
It is a humble request to please give us the permission for DJ. For any further details, please feel free to call me at +91-9898989898.
Thanking in anticipation
Rajat Arora
Given Below are a few Permission Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Blood Donation Camp Permission Letter
Permission Letter for Construction of Home in Society
Complaint Letter to Police Station for Loss of Documents
Sample Complaint Letter to Police Station for Loss of Documents If there is loss of any important document or certificate then writing a complaint letter format to the police station is important.
Permission Letter for Research
A permission letter for research is written in respect of a request letter for conducting a research program in a certain field of the interest.
Permission Letter For A Project
A permission letter for a project is written to seek permission from an authority for conducting a project.
Field Trip Permission Letter
A field trip permission letter is written to permit an individual going for a field trip and the letter
Permission Giving Letter
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Permission Letter for Industrial Visit
A permission letter for industrial visit, as its name says, is written for seeking the permission of an industrial visit as a part of the educational system.