A permission letter for research is written in respect of a request letter for conducting a research program in a certain field of the interest. The letter grants one to carry on his/her research program after observing the benefits of research for a wide perspective. An authority of the concerned department issues such letter to allow an organization or a company to go further in their proposal. The letter also deals with the details of the research program in order to help the company.
Here in the example stated below, an authority writes this letter to permit a research group for conducting their research on the flora and fauna in a certain area.
Sample Permission Letter for Research
Jonathan Browne
Research student,
Winstonville College,
Redgrove Road,
October 8, 2014
Subject: Permission for conducting research
Dear Mr. Browne,
I am pleased to inform that I give you permission in respect of your research request of studying the flora and fauna around the Livingstone Lake under the principal investigator Mr. Lawrence Dawkings of Winstonville College. Your initiative is appreciable and I am ready to support this research at my best.
As I also cherish the same thought, the Livingstone property is the great resource of the flora and fauna and if your group explores this thing scientifically, it would be a great thing. Please visit website www.lakelivingstone.org that tells you about the rules and regulation of the property and gives you some important information that may help in your study.
We wish you all the best in your research.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Riley Jones
Given Below are a few Permission Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Police Permission Letter for Loudspeaker in English
If you have a wedding in your family or there is a party in your house and you are planning to have a DJ arrangement or loudspeaker, it is important that you get permission from police.
Permission Letter for Industrial Visit
A permission letter for industrial visit, as its name says, is written for seeking the permission of an industrial visit as a part of the educational system.
Permission Letter For A Project
A permission letter for a project is written to seek permission from an authority for conducting a project.
Field Trip Permission Letter
A field trip permission letter is written to permit an individual going for a field trip and the letter
Permission Giving Letter
A permission giving letter is written to allow an individual for doing a certain task so the letter