A permission request letter is written to seek permission, according to the field of interest. This letter can be written for conducting a certain program or event to the authority of the concerned department. One can also write this letter for using an artwork or any other work of another person. Before using a person’s work, you need to get the consent from him/her. To get the permission from the legal authority of that work to avoid any further confusion, the letter is needed. The letter should express the reason of using the subject of the concerned authority and if it seems relevant, then the authority can give his/her permission.
Tips on Writing a Great Permission Request Letter :-
A permission request letter needs the detail of the purpose of seeking permission without missing any information. For making your letter professional, you can follow the tips below.
- Write your letter in a formal style as you are communicating with your reader professionally.
- The tone of the letter should be convincing as you are requesting for the concerned person’s permission to go further in your work.
- Give a proper subject of the letter that goes with your purpose of writing and it helps the reader to get the initial idea about the letter.
- Explain the reason for seeking the permission from the authority in an interesting manner so that your reader can think in your favor.
- Mention the needs of your purpose that helps your reader to give the permission.
- If any term and condition is there, then you have to mention it to inform your reader.
- Conclude your letter professionally with a positive note regarding your stated purpose.
Here in the letter format, a company writes this letter to an author for seeking permission to use his book for the childcare perspective.
Permission Request Letter Format
Mr. Robert Kinsley
Permission Editor
Florida Books and Publication Ltd
B-20, sixth floor
River Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida
19th Nov 2014
Subject: permission request letter for republishing the book on child psychology
Dear Mr. Kinsley
We would like to congratulate you for your great work behind the success of the book on child psychology. The letter is to seek your permission to republish your book in a precise manner in order to help a local child center. We have some writers to modify your books in accounts of giving suitability to the reader.
If you do not possess the copyright of the book, then let us know where we can get it. In case you have any complaints about the letter, you can contact us without any hesitation.
We hope you support our imitative and provide us the important details.
Thanking you.
Bill Mathews
ABC Child Centre.
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