Unfair treatment at work is surely a matter of concern. In case you have been treated unfairly at the place of work then you can write a grievance letter for the same but the grievance letter for unfair treatment has to be written very carefully. It is important to report the situation in the right way keeping in mind your rights.
This post includes the sample complaint letter for unfair treatment. You can use the grievance letter for unfair treatment to create a customized letter that perfectly puts forward the unfair treatment you have experienced at the workplace.
Sample Grievance Letter for Unfair Treatment
Amanda Smith
54, Richmond Villas
Date: October 1st, 2021
Ms. Dorothy Perks
Human Resource Manager
Zenith Technologies
Sub: Experiencing unfair treatment
Dear Ms. Dorothy,
I am writing this letter to put forward a situation wherein I was unfairly treated at work. I strongly believe that the reason behind this unfavorable treatment is because of my recent pregnancy and this has certainly disappointed me. I believe that just like anyone else, I am also capable of doing any job and time and again I have proved the same with my performance. I have never let my personal life affect my professional life and I have always worked extremely hard to bring the best of the results to the company.
I had been working really very hard on the New York Store project and I was quite hopeful that I will be made the in charge of the store because I thoroughly understand each and every detail associated with the project as I have been an integral part of it. But when I was not chosen for the same and the person with lesser knowledge and association with the project was selected, it felt quite unfair.
I request you to please consider this letter as grievance from my end and please let me know that was such a decision taken.
Looking forward for your response.
Amanda Smith