If you are an accountant working in the financial industry and you have been asked to verify certain information about one of your clients or employer then you can always write an accountant reference letter. The recommendation letter for accountant employee is a professional letter that gives one the credibility for verifying someone’s financial status.
In this post, we have come up with a financial reference letter from accountant template. This accountant letter template can conveniently be used for writing your own one such letter. This reference letter sample can be used for creating a letter a personalized letter. Keep this financial reference letter sample as base for drafting a flawless letter.
Template for Financial Reference Letter from Accountant
Arnold Jacob
Uprise Financial Services
New York
Date: October 04, 2024
Mr. Adam Smith
Billboard Hardware
New York
Sub: Financial reference letter for Zenith Technologies.
Dear Mr. Adam,
I, Arnold Jacob, am writing this financial reference letter of behalf of my client Zenith Technologies to confirm their good financial standing. My firm has been associated with Zenith Technologies as their Accounting Partner from last six years and I would like to confirm their financial status.
The company has been an extremely professional and excellent client who have always paid their dues on time. At present, Zenith Technologies is engaged in designing customized mobile applications and websites for their clients and this is their main source of income from last ten years.
I recommend you to accept the offer made by Zenith Technology for having a collaboration for the upcoming project as there is nothing that I can foresee about the company which can prove to be a financial burden. Zenith Technologies does not have any outstanding debts and maintains good credit.
If you need any further information from our end about Zenith Technologies’ financial standing then feel free to get in touch with us at 9898989898.
Thanking you.
Arnold Jacob
Uprise Financial Services
New York