A student writes an Academic Inquiry Letter in order to get some information regarding his/her academic interest. The purpose of this letter is to convey a student’s query on some educational issue. But, this type of letter has the tendency to be neglected, if it is written in an improper way. So the letter needs briefly stated points without missing any important thing. As it is related to one’s career, Academic Inquiry Letter carries important things in that sense.
If you do not understand how to draft your Academic Inquiry Letter, you can go through the format provided below to make your own template.
Academic Inquiry Letter Sample
Raven Logan,
E-2, Winston House Road,
Mr Knowles,
Imperial Institute of Medical Sciences,
Dear Mr Knowles,
I am writing to request you for providing me the information regarding the admission in your elite educational institution. I have passed my high school examination and want to precede my further education in your institution. To assist you, I am sending the details of my result along with this letter in the hope that my educational standard is up to your level and it can secure a seat in your medical college. In addition, I shall be highly obliged if you send me the details of your admission procedure along with the timetable of the various stages of the admission process.
I hope you will grant my request and I will soon get the response from you. I am looking forward to be a part of your educational system.
Yours sincerely,
Raven Logan
Given Below are a few Inquiry Letter samples for a clearer Idea.
Credit Inquiry Explanation Letter Template
Credit Inquiry Letter Example
The Credit Inquiry Letter is written when an applicant wants the complete information about the credit cards to choose the right credit which covers his/her demands.
Sample Employment Inquiry Letter
The Employment Inquiry Letter is for acquiring information on the job vacancies.
Business Inquiry Letter Format
The Business Inquiry Letter is written for obtaining information on goods and services of a company.
Job Inquiry Letter Sample
Job inquiry letter is usually written by an applicant to the department of human resource of a certain company.