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Smoking email format

Letter to Friend Describing Dangers Effects of Smoking

Letter to a friend to stop smoking We all know how harmful smoking is but sometimes despite knowing the bad effects of smoking, we end up picking up this bad habit. If you have a friend who has [...]

Letter to your Brother About the Bad Effects of Smoking

It is certainly not good news when you get to know that your brother has picked up the habit of smoking. In such a situation it is a wonderful thought to write to him an Informal letter on [...]

email to your friend to describe the bad effects of smoking

Email describing the bad effects of smoking We all know that cigarette smoking is injurious to health but still some of us end up smoking. If you also have a friend who has picked up this bad habit [...]

email to younger brother advising to give up smoking

Email to brother to stop smoking Smoking it an unhealthy practice and if your brother has got into the habit of smoking then you must write an email about the bad effects of smoking to him to highlight [...]