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There are so many cases when you find that the employees of your company are not following the rules of conduct or company policies or adhering to the company regulations. In such a scenario, you are suppose to [...]

Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice

Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice

A resignation letter 2 week notice period is a very much official letter and it is written as per the terms of a company on your resignation. Every company maintains a certain rule regarding the employee resigning matter [...]

Final Notice Collection Letter Example

Final Notice Collection Letter

Final notice collection letter serves as a last formal notice regarding the due payment. This letter is usually sent after the two or three collection reminder letters. This letter informs the debtor that this is the last chance [...]

Cancellation Notice Letter

Cancellation Notice Letter

Notice cancellation letter is a formal written communication to inform the concern person/ organization about the cancellation notice of a particular service. Contracts signed for business purpose are legally bound documents. In case of cancellation it requires an [...]