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Request Letter

Request Letter for Issuance of Confirmation for Residential Address

Request Letter for Confirmation of Residential Address An address confirmation email or letter is written in order to confirm the address of one’s residence. And if you are in need of one such letter then you need to [...]

Letter to Renew Insurance Policy

If your insurance policy is expiring then you must have it renewed just by writing a Request Letter for Renewal of Insurance Policy. This kind of a renewal letter format is extremely simple and includes information about your [...]

Renewal Letter of Trading License

License Renewal Letter Format Trade License makes one of the most significant documents when it comes to starting with a trade or business in a certain municipal limit and these trade licenses come with an expiry date. Therefore, [...]

Approval Letter to Attend a Training Session

Training Approval Letter Format Approval letter for attending training session is written when if you wish to inform someone about your consent for attending the training session to that person. The Approval Letter to Attend a Training Session [...]

Request Letter to change of Water Pipeline

Request Letter for Change of Water Connection If your water pipeline has been troubling you then in order to get it fixed, you need to write a request letter to change of water pipeline to the water department. [...]