Categories: Birthday Letter

Birthday Letter to Cousin

Birthday letter is an important role player in wishing someone on his or her birthday especially if we talk about your cousin’s birthday. Wishing someone on the birthday is an art to express your views with the medium of words. Normally we write the birthday wishing letter to our immediate family members but to write a birthday letter to the cousin must be a different affair. In these types of letters you can share some of your blessings towards your cousin’s long life. Also one could share the past events of their life which they spent together. Apart from it you can suggest your cousin for the party with the time and venue of the function as a part of surprise which you have arranged for him/her.

Sample Birthday Letter to Cousin


Malti Aegis

2139,Escort Colony

Wilfred’s Street



Andre Aggasi

132 Orchard Street

While Rose building

Buckingham, UK

21 May, 2014

Dear Andre,

First of all I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and may this day take you to the highest of your career. I am writing this letter with a great excitement in my heart. We all are fit and healthy and hope the same with you and uncle too. So it is your day dear and you turned out a year old which will bring you new possibilities, new assignments and new achivements.

Let me tell you Andre are not only a cousin brother to me but also my true friend. The comfort that I feel with you is matchless. In our childhood I use to share every information with you all with my naughty habits you were aware and never ever you had escalated these habits to my parent’s .On the contrary you had saved me and taught me to stay away with all the negative activities   . Since it is your birthday today, I will come to your home tonight and you can’t escape from giving me a big bash party.

I wish you a very happy birthday once again and May God bless you with his good wishes and blessings.

Happy Birthday!



Given Below are a few Birthday letter samples for a clearer Idea.

Heartfelt Letter to Sister on her Birthday
It’s your sister’s birthday!!! Surely a very special occasion because it was on this day she came into your life.

Birthday Wishes Letter
Writing a birthday letter is actually an art about how to impress someone with your words expressing your feelings and thoughts about that particular person.

Romantic Birthday Letter
Writing a romantic birthday letter is a very wonderful thing .But to make it wonderful one should have the quality to write a good and effective letter which could leave an impression of the person.

Sample Birthday Love Letter
The most touching thing which you can do for your loved ones on their birthdays is to write a letter. The motive behind writing this type of letter is to share the wonderful thoughts and feelings.

Birthday Letter to Mom
A birthday letter is considered to be an important role player in wishing someone on his/her birthday. There are many other ways to wish the birthday like phone call, e-greetings etc.

Birthday Letter to Husband Format
First of all writing a letter is an art. Some people do have this art since birth and some has to inherit from their surroundings.

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